Head back to HomeTown (it's much easier with the new path, isn't it? ) and enter the Ranger's Guild. Once you've finished everything, you'll retrieve Suzy. This isn't too hard, although the Roach sometimes gets up when it's killed, forcing you to fight several more rounds. There, you will have to fight six Pests and a giant Roach. Leave the mountain, and head west to the Ruins. When you land, talk to Azusa, the hunter. You will end up causing a landslide, entering another cave, and falling into a hole. After winning the fight, proceed to the left. Most of the time, the three will attack the Hero, so have Bow cast DefUp on him. This is a tough fight, but in the second round, the three will attack each other, giving you a little time. Heal yourself if necessary before climbing the ramp. !HINT! You can use Bow to hunt food in hunting spots then sell the meat for 200z so you can buy good armor and weapons!Īfter exiting the top portion of the cave, you will see a ramp.

Fight until your on level 6 or 7 before you go on. In the first room in the mountain you will find a healing spring. When you leave the town Don't cross the bridge or go into the cave till at the minimum level 3. The Elder will give you the job of finding Mina's pet Suzy. After you loose the game will skip forward a bunch of years and you will find yourself and bow in HomeTown. Follow the tail until you are forced to fight a demon. The two leave the village and, then a storm starts, head for the nearby cave. When the Hero climbs back down the mountain, he finds that nobody recognizes him, and that Ganer and Yua are gone. If you don't he will miss a scene but the game won't be affected. After the cinema the Hero must decide whether to go to sleep. You are about to die then all of a sudden Ganer saves you. You need to go north of the town and then when you find Yua your sister but then there is a battle. The Hero is sent after his sister so she can take a nap. Breath Of Fire 2 Walkthrough Breath Of Fire 2 Walkthrough