Real metal army of two masks
Real metal army of two masks

real metal army of two masks
  1. Real metal army of two masks update#
  2. Real metal army of two masks full#

GB FV432 RWS w/M240B : full rearm cost reduced to 150 ammo points (down from 563).USA M1126 RWS w/M240B : full rearm cost reduced to 150 ammo points (down from 563).USA MATV CROWS w/M240B : full rearm cost reduced to 150 ammo points (down from 563).The rearm costs should be reduced, in some cases drastically. Adjusted the rearm costs for various GPMG weapons on multiple vehicle turrets.Adjusted AUS M1A1 Commander M2 to now use turret stabilisation.

real metal army of two masks

Vehicle explosions are now less deadly to infantry. Adjusted the splash damage intensity on vehicle explosions.If you enter a vehicle during the reload animation before finishing the reload, the reload will be cancelled. Updated the game flow when entering and exiting vehicles while reloading your weapon.Updated MEA Ural 4320 and RUS Kamaz5350 truck gearbox configuration.Exact ticket values for vehicles are now being displayed in the vehicle card list. Updated the Ticket Legend, the generic vehicle ticket amounts have been removed.Updated repair station unbuilt and mid-built level states to have a more accurate visual footprint and reduced vertical profile.Updated the infantry weapon hip-fire recoil visual animation to appear more intense.Updated the training menu to include a link to Jensen’s Range for all factions training layers.These materials will now accumulate on characters’ uniforms. Added Character Interaction with mud, snow, dirt, and water.

real metal army of two masks

Added nicknames on the USA M1A2 and USMC M1A1 tank barrels.Added a new amphibious-focused training map featuring the USS Essex: Pacific Proving Grounds.Added a new map showcasing amphibious capabilities: Black Coast.Added new vehicle: CAF CH-146 Transport Helicopter.Added new vehicle: CAF Coyote Armoured Recon Vehicle.Updated Discord Rich Presence config for USMC faction.Updated the Main Menu Entrymap to now feature the USS Essex WASP class LHD emerging from a storm.Mutaha RAAS v3 was updated with Great Britain, replacing Australia.

Real metal army of two masks update#

The Subpen POI will be receiving updates and will be worked on for a future update when it could possibly be added to more map layers. When running Black Coast AAS v1 please keep in mind players may have much worse client performance.

  • Note for Server Owners – Black Coast POI Subpen – This flag location currently only exists on AAS v1 and Seed v1 for performance reasons.
  • Updated many map layers to include USMC:.
  • LAV-25A2 Amphibious Armoured Reconnaissance Vehicle.
  • M16A4 + M203 40mm Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher.
  • Summary of American Marine Forces Faction.
  • Animated vehicle wake-plates when entering/exiting water.
  • Added an icon to denote Amphibious capability in the driver’s HUD and Map Vehicle List.
  • Added Amphibious Invasion layers where capturing the first flag provides a shoreside spawn point for non-amphibious vehicles.
  • Drowning damage has been reworked and rebalanced.
  • Soldiers will raise their weapons above their heads when passing chest-deep water.
  • Trying to move in deep water depletes stamina, scaling by immersion depth.
  • Deep water reduces movement speed, scaling by immersion depth.
  • Soldier water interaction has been reworked.
  • Waves become more gentle in inland waters.
  • Fully-modelled waves, buoyancy, and water drag physics for vehicles.
  • Other less rugged vehicles will slow to a crawl and be flooded.
  • In addition to these fully amphibious machines, many military vehicles are capable of fording bodies of water up to a certain depth.
  • AAVC-7A1 Command/Logistics Vehicle – NEW.
  • List of vehicles with amphibious capabilities.
  • Leverage the unique capabilities of your vehicles and faction asymmetry to pull off new tactical manoeuvres.
  • Join the marine forces in amphibious assaults from ships off the coast.
  • This update primarily showcases amphibious functionality Squad v3.0 will be released on Wednesday, June 22nd at 18:00 UTC.Ĭhangelog Amphibious Gameplay and Water Interaction We’ve made a whole lot of other gameplay changes which are listed below in the Changelog, as well as addressed numerous bugs. While there are dozens of improvements, fixes, and other changes in v3.0 the most significant are the addition of the American marine forces faction, new amphibious gameplay, and a new map Black Coast.

    Real metal army of two masks